Navy Prt Calculator – Calculate Your Fitness Score

The Navy PRT Calculator is a tool used to determine the physical fitness scores of individuals in the Navy based on their performance in specific exercises. The PRT is part of the Navy’s physical fitness assessment and includes exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups (curl-ups), and a 1.5-mile run. The scores are calculated based on the number of repetitions completed and the time taken, with adjustments made for age, gender, and altitude.

Navy Prt Calculator - Calculate Your Fitness Score

Navy Prt Calculator

Calculation Logic

  • Push-ups score: pushupsScore = (pushups / maxPushups) * 100;
  • Sit-ups score: situpsScore = (situps / maxSitups) * 100;
  • Run score: Adjust base time for altitude and calculate the score based on the run time.

How It Works


  • Age: The age of the individual, as different age groups have different scoring standards.
  • Gender: Male or Female, as the scoring standards differ between genders.
  • Altitude: Sea Level, Low Altitude, or High Altitude, as performance can be affected by altitude.
  • Push-ups: The number of push-ups completed within two minutes.
  • Sit-ups: The number of sit-ups (curl-ups) completed within two minutes.
  • Run Time: The time taken to complete a 1.5-mile run, usually measured in seconds.


  • Each exercise (push-ups, sit-ups, and run) has its scoring table based on the Navy’s standards.
  • The performance in each exercise is compared against these tables to get a score.
  • Scores from all exercises are summed up to get the total PRT score.

Calculation Example:

  • Push-ups: If a 25-year-old male completes 50 push-ups, he might receive a certain score based on the standards.
  • Sit-ups: If the same individual completes 58 sit-ups, another score is assigned.
  • Run Time: If he runs 1.5 miles in 10 minutes (600 seconds), this time is converted to a score.

Preparing for the Navy PRT? In addition to using our Navy PRT Calculator to determine your fitness scores for push-ups, sit-ups, and the 1.5-mile run, consider tracking your daily activity with our Miles to Steps Calculator. Converting your daily walks or runs into steps can help you monitor your progress, set achievable fitness goals, and stay motivated.


Q: What is the Navy PRT?

The Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) is a fitness assessment used by the United States Navy to ensure that sailors maintain physical fitness. The test includes push-ups, sit-ups (curl-ups), and a 1.5-mile run.

Q: What is the Navy PRT Calculator?

The Navy PRT Calculator is a tool designed to calculate your PRT scores based on your age, gender, altitude, and performance in push-ups, sit-ups, and the 1.5-mile run. It provides a quick and easy way to determine if you meet the Navy’s physical fitness standards.

Q: Why do the scores differ by age and gender?

The Navy adjusts its scoring standards to account for the natural variations in physical performance across different age groups and between genders. This ensures fairness and accommodates the different fitness levels and capabilities of all sailors.

Q: What is the significance of altitude in the PRT?

Physical performance can be affected by altitude. Higher altitudes can make it more difficult to perform cardiovascular exercises like running due to lower oxygen levels. The Navy adjusts the scoring standards to account for these variations.

Q: How accurate is the Navy PRT Calculator?

The accuracy of the calculator depends on the correctness of the underlying scoring tables and algorithms. The provided implementation is based on simplified logic for illustration. For precise calculations, the exact Navy PRT scoring standards should be used.